HV 13055

Equatorial coordinates
α = 05 08 41.580
δ = -66 49 00.257
Galactic coordinates
l = 277.3274°
b = -34.8218°

Suspected 1970Ref
Confirmed -
Symbiotic IR type S?Ref
Hot component type -
Outbursts Yes?Ref


HV 13055 IRAS - GSC2.4.2 S1HJ096466 AAVSO -
SIMBAD SV* HV 13055 Pan-STARRS - SAO - VSX 2221187
GAIA DR3 4661952739447156608 SkyMapper 050841.57-664900.3 WRAY - GCVS -
2MASS J05084158-6649004 HIP - Hen - BD -
WISE J050841.57-664900.1 TYC - ESO - HD -

Symbiotic Catalogs

Bidelman (1954) - Allen (1984) - Belzcyński et al. (2001) -
Gaposchkin (1957) - Kenyon (1986) - Akras et al. (2019) -
Boyarchuk (1969) - Vaidis (1988, 1991) -


Right ascension (°) 77.1732Ref Parallax (mas) -0.027±0.025Ref Reddening E(B-V) (mag) 0.17±0.01Ref, Note
Declination (°) -66.8167Ref Distance (kpc) 17.47Ref, Note, 11.27Ref, Note    
Galactic longitude (°) 277.3274Ref Proper motion in α (mas/yr) 1.74±0.03Ref    
Galactic latitude (°) -34.8218Ref Proper motion in δ (mas/yr) 0.22±0.03Ref    


X-Ray - IR type S?Ref Radio -
X-Ray type - J (mag) 13.34Ref Flickering -
GALEX FUV (mag) - H (mag) 12.49Ref Outbursts Yes?Ref
GALEX NUV (mag) - K (mag) 12.24Ref Outburst type -
IUE NoRef WISE W1 (mag) 12.02Ref Jets -
FUSE NoRef WISE W2 (mag) 12.11Ref Resolved nebula -
U (mag) - WISE W3 (mag) 11.68Ref IPmax (eV) -
B (mag) - WISE W4 (mag) 9.04Ref [O III] lines -
V (mag) - IRAS 12μm (Jy) - He II lines -
R (mag) - IRAS 25μm (Jy) - [Fe VII] lines -
I (mag) - IRAS 60μm (Jy) - O VI lines -
BP (mag) 16.39Ref IRAS 100μm (Jy) -
G (mag) 15.54Ref AKARI S09 (Jy) -
RP (mag) 14.62Ref AKARI S18 (Jy) -


Orbital period (days) 682±90Ref γ velocity (km/h) - Size of giant’s orbit (AU) -
Eccentricity - RV of giant (km/h) - Separation (AU) -
Inclination (°) - Inferior conj. of giant (JD) - Mass function -
Eclipses -     Mass ratio -
Orbital ephemeris -        

Cool component

Spectral type - Mass (M) - Pulsation -
Eff. temperature (K) - Radius (R) - Type -
IR type S?Ref Luminosity (L) - Pulsation period (days) -
Metallicity [Fe/H] -     Pulsation ephemeris -

Hot component

Type/Spectral type - Mass (M) - Spin period (min) -
Shell-burning/Accreting-only - Radius (R) - Accretion disk -
Eff. temperature (K) - Luminosity (L) -    
Lower limit (K) -        
Upper limit (K) -        




The suggestion of a symbiotic nature for this star was made by Hodge & Wright (1970) due to light curve variations. However, this classification was rejected by Allen (1980) based on the observed low excitation in the spectrum. The star is also listed among RGB long-period variables in Spano et al. (2011).


Last updated: April 11, 2021