Diameter: 508mm
Focal length and ratio: 3454 mm – f/6.8
Type: Planevawe CDK20 – Corrected Dall-Kirkham
Mount: Paramount ME
Focal instruments:
- CCD camera Moravian Instruments G4-16000 with UBVRI Bessell photometric filters (more details)
- Shelyak LHires IiI spectrograph (more details)
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Diameter: 152 mm
Focal length and ratio: 730 mm – f/4.8
Type: Explore Scientific MN-152 – Maksutov-Newton
Mount: Celestron CGEM
Focal instrument:
- CCD camera Moravian Instruments G2-8300 with g’r’i‘ Sloan photometric filters (more details)
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